Thursday, 20 October 2011

Fancy Colored Diamonds

Fancy Colored Diamonds:-
Many people are beginning to favor the fancy, vivid colored diamond gem diamond on transparent or traditional white. Some diamonds are found in their natural colors when they are mined, others become colored by gemologists and jewelers during a treatment. To make them more affordable for the average consumer, companies have begun to address the color of the diamonds of lower quality to make a less desirable yellow or brownish tinted diamond and turn it into a beautiful, brightly colored diamond.
Diamond color is one of four major characteristics that are considered when determining a diamond's quality and value. They are known as the 4C's, and the remaining three are diamond clarity, diamond cut, and diamond carat weight.
Diamonds are not all truly colorless, but it's the colorless diamonds, sometimes called white diamonds, which all other shades are judged against.
The Gemological Institute of America (GIA CertifiedDiamonds) has devised a set of guidelines to grade diamond color. The color of graded diamonds is compared to the color of control stones, which are preselected gems of a specific color.

Natural fancy color diamonds get their complexion in different ways:

     Trace elements in the diamonds can produce color; nitrogen creates a yellow diamond.
   From different trace elements present in the stones, such as nitrogen, which produces a yellow diamond?
     From exposure to radiation during the diamond's creation. Green diamonds are an example of gems affected by radiation.
   inclusions, regarded as undesirable in a colorless stone, often contribute unique tones and interesting flashes of color in a fancy color diamond.

Making the Color More powerful:-
Fancy color diamonds are more popular than ever, so gemologists have developed ways to create affordable versions by treating less desirable diamonds. Irradiation, followed by a high heat treatment, turns brownish and yellow diamonds into colorful show-stoppers, and at a price you can afford.
The GIA grades the saturation of color by 9 different verbal categories. They are: Faint, Very Light, Light, Fancy Light, Fancy, Fancy Dark, Fancy Intense, Fancy Deep and Fancy Vivid. In general, colored diamonds that run from Fancy through Fancy Intense through Fancy Vivid will be the overall quality line which produces the most expensive of colored diamonds in any given color.

Synthetic Diamonds are another Option
Synethic colored diamonds are another option. They're real diamonds, but they are created in a lab. Synthetics make owning a fancy color diamond a reality for those of us who couldn't afford a natural stone.

Pictures of Fancy Color Diamonds

Before you go Buying Diamonds, get familiar with color diamond shade variations and learn the special 4Cs of fancy colored diamonds.


  1. I am looking for fancy coloured diamonds Toronto to invest on it. And looking for material which help me to understand about investing on it and suddenly I find this helping material blog.
    Keep sharing!
